Thursday, 15 September 2011

off for a few days 150911

 Off to see our Son for a few days be lucky while am away will be looking for some winners and hope am not too drunk to be able to access via Steve's machine


Unknown said...

forgot to say am on Huff and puff at yarmouth under fallon for the 1m6f visored first time and proved he can get this off this mark - was running off a mark of 78 and this 80 well within its range looks as if the visor is what he needs and start taking note of horses who are using a hood for the first time - their strike rate is quite interesting now this is being used more in races as opposed to gallops at home!

lombie said...

Safe journey Bob!

I've backed Zuider Zee in that race. It's skinny but is over 20 points clear on the ratings system I'm following.

Good luck!

lombie said...

To the poorhouse for both of us Bob...