Saturday 18 December 2010

just had to share this - from my son email - too many chrissy presents

Following the strange appearance of unsolicited goods.  I must report
that Marie an I have done our very best to dispose of the evidence. On
Wednesday night I managed to down 4.5 bottles with only the only side
effect being a little mild incontinence.  While Marie with her inferior
drinking genes was only able to down a single bottle. Marie then
preceded to sing "the lord is my Shepard" at the top of her voice in the
back garden whilst cutting off all heads of all the flowers.
Last night we tried again, I was just finishing of my second bottle,
when sure enough Marie was back in full song (not sure what she was
singing, but I do recall her mentioning the infant baby Jesus).  Marie
then came in and announced she was leaving me and joining the Baptist
Church, and becoming a missionary.  This caused an argument as I told
her I considered she had held this position as a missionary for years.
So please, please Dad, Take twelve of these illicit bottles of wine and
allow me the dignity of staying sober until at least after lunch, Marie
may well then come back and resume her position as my wife, rather than
peruse this ridiculous notion of becoming a Baptist Missionary.
Yours Truly

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