Wednesday 12 October 2011

class plus page 6

Sorry forgot to add this one - its the second page I view click to enlarge screen shot


JohnB said...

Bob, given your set up I would have picked out Azheemah as mlw and would have put Obliterate in the frame. I'm interested in your choice of variables. I would have included MR earlier particularly in a stakes race and Imp. The latter variable is imo the most important, but as you show in the extract from Ben improvement is very difficult to capture. If we can work out how to to this (I suspect that dosage might help but don't know enough about it yet)then we can start to crack handicaps consistently for what we are looking for is the horse that is still open to improvement despite being put up in the weights by teh handicapper.

Unknown said...

Hi John thanks for the reply - the thing I would like to explore is the relevent's of the alternative choice of IMP and MR - you can see how I got to this page layout from substituting different variables - I have to say the strike rate is based on combination of my page 6 and 8 where I have both of the elements you suggested - based on just one page or the other has very little difference in the strike rate,(the biggest prices have been obtained from page 8.)
dosage is def the way to go but I am convinced that's for the classics! - try the layout on Friday when you are studying for the big Saturday races. cheers