Sunday 26 September 2010

Heres a thought

Hi Guys - now we have a growing team am looking at linking our own forum  to make the whole thing a lil more easy on the eyeif you would like that - have to ask you again to send me your  email address to set it up - take a look at the layout and first posting ! 
How to get comment and post notification email sent to all team member

In Blogger, there is provision for email to be sent to you whenever someone leaves a comment on your blog. To set this, in the Dashboard, go to SETTINGS > COMMENTS and fill in the email address at the box for COMMENT NOTIFICATION ADDRESS. There is also a provision for an email to be sent whenever a post is published. Go to SETTINGS > EMAIL and fill in the email address at the box for BLOGSEND ADDRESS. However, only 1 email address can be filled in for either post or comment, so if you have a team blog, and each team member want to be notified, you have a problem. Here is a workaround.

Set up a Yahoo group specially for the blog. When setting up the group, there is a provision for entering your group email address. This email address is for your group. When you send a message to this address, all members of your group will receive a copy. For example, I may set the group email address as Configure the group so that posts are sent to all members. Then fill in this address for the Blogger COMMENT NOTIFICATION ADDRESS and BLOGSEND ADDRESS. Now, whenever someone makes a comment or publish a post, an email will be sent to and Yahoo group will in turn send an email to all members of the group.

 Shall I try this? - if so need you to send me your contact email addy  and will get the old brain round it -- and while am asking questions -- do mind/agree to me putting up your individual blogs on the site? - please let me know

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